Sunday, September 20, 2009

Take a Caribbean Vacation

Best Saturday ever in Vienna.

First of all, the weather was gorgeous. Blue skies, not a cloud in sight. It was about 75 degrees all day with very low humidity. This is pretty much perfect weather for Vienna.

We decided not to waste the beautiful weather, so we went to the Donauinsel, an island right on the Danabue River. After walking around a bit, we found this bar built right over the water. It had some type of Caribbean/Mexican/Cuban/Tropical theme.

Save on Travel: take a vacation in the city. We literally felt like we had left the city because it was so warm and we were sitting in an outdoor bar on the water drinking cocktails like mojitos, margaritas, and pina coladas.

After we were done having our Caribbean happy hour, we then went and jumped on these trampolines. The trampolines were awesome because the beds were right over the river... if they broke, you'd fall in. It was so much fun to do some backflips.

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