Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Sending a Postcard

Today I bought some postcards, and I decided to send them. This is a project because the Austria has what I like to call occasional "Mail Fail." For some reason, none of the postcards I sent last year made it to their destination.

Lesson du Jour: Send a postcard using the Austrian Post Office.

I first went and picked them out, which wasn't too difficult as they are sold everywhere. The only hard part about this exercise was finding one that didn't have either Mozart or Franz Josef's face on it. Don't get me wrong, both of these men are important historical figures, blah blah blah, but I'm not sure everyone wants a postcard with their picture on it.

Once I found them, I wrote them. Apparently, there is no intelligent way to write a postcard. I realized this when Grant decided to read them out loud to my class. Hmmm... I guess statements like "The buildings are beautiful" and "Wienerschnitzel is good" actually sound really stupid.

Then I went to the Austrian Post Office. This is a trick to because their hours are limited, especially since they close for lunch. And, I forgot that Austrian's don't wait in line; they just push to the front. So, about 3 people cut ahead of me until I remembered.

In case you're wondering, it costs 1.40 Euro to send a postcard from Wien to the US of A.

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