Sunday, September 20, 2009

Vienna Capitals Game

This year's IGE group has several hockey fans, and since we are far away from both DU Hockey and the NHL, we compensated by going to a hockey game in Vienna.

Sports in Vienna: Go to a Vienna Capitals game. The Vienna Capitals are Vienna's professional hockey team. Last Sunday, we went as a group to one of the first home games of the season. It was a lot of fun. The ice rink itself was huge, but the stadium was smaller; it might have even been smaller than Magness Arena at the University of Denver. However, it didn't seem small because the fans are nuts. On each end of the rink, they had standing room only, and this is apparently where the hard core fans hang out. They had cheers and chants for everything. We tried to learn some of them, but it was difficult because they were in German.

The game itself was slightly different than American hockey. While it is the same idea, European hockey focuses more on speed, skating, and shooting. Therefore, we saw less hitting but better shooting than in the US.

Also, on a funny side note, between every period during the 15 minute break, the entire stadium emptied out because everyone left to stand on the deck and smoke. It was quite comical to see everyone rush for the exit after every period to go smoke.

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