Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Get Lost in IKEA

IKEA is not only a really cheap place to get living necessities like plates and stuff, but it is also a lot of fun apparently. Today, 6 of us (Morgan, Colin, Lauren, Erik, Noah, and I) all went to IKEA to look for stuff. We thought it would be a good learning experience or something. Anyway, we missed the bus twice today. First, we had to pick up a free bus from the Oper (opera house) to IKEA. However, we had lunch at the slowest cafe in all of Vienna, so we missed the 13:00 bus and had to take the 14:30 bus.

This was not a big deal because we just bought a beer and waited. Eventually, we made it to IKEA. We shopped and even had extra time to buy another beer.

However, the trick with IKEA is you have to buy a 1.40 Euro ticket home. And the tickets are sold at the customer service desk across the store from the bus stop. By the time we figured this out, we were running low on time, and due to the amount of people who had to return their Swedish furniture, we didn't have time to buy a ticket. So we missed the bus AGAIN.

If you want the true experience: Eat at IKEA. We had to wait an additional 90 minutes for the bus. But, this was not a big deal because we went to their cafeteria and had some awesome meatballs and another beer. That's the great thing about Vienna... you can buy beer literally everywhere, so if you have to wait for something, it's really not that painful of an experience. Between the meatballs and the beer, the wait passed relatively quickly.

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