Saturday, September 12, 2009

Go to Twins Pub

Ein Groesser Bier, bitte!
The Girls

C-Wayne's Last Night

There are lots of great hang out spots in Vienna, and one of our favorites is the Twins Pub. Twins is great because it's close the the Europahaus (where we live), and it is easy to get to. We just take the Strassenbahn down a few stops, and we're there.

The Twins Pub is a fun bar/lounge where it is is easy to meet people, hear live music, occasionally karaoke (we'll have to do this), and grab a beer. We come here a few nights a week just to hang out and chat.

Dance at the Twins Pub. Twins also brings in live music. The live music can be a lot of fun, especially when the band performs American covers. Last night, this group played some American songs, so Lauren, Morgen, Bonny, and I took a spin around the dance floor. The band saw us, so they tried to play songs we'd like, including "Summer of 69." This was extremely funny because we were the only ones who knew the song, so we were belting it out while the Europeans looked at us like we were nuts.

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